Girl Scout Traditions - Flag Day

Girl Scouts have a long history of respecting and honoring our flag. Learn more about the history of our flag and the traditions surrounding it.

Flag Retirement is needed when a flag is no longer a fitting symbol of our country due to wear and tear, neglect, or age. Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails accepts flags to be retired by troops and at our annual Flag Retirement in November.

Below are a variety of videos regarding Flag Ceremonies. There are subtle differences between them as varying traditions develop in different groups as they present and retire flags. There are some pieces of ceremony that the Flag Code is quite specific on, but other items it is only specific about the need to act with respect. You can refer to the Flag Code here to verify the proper practices.

If you are wondering about the correct practices or looking to find someone to help your troop learn how to perform a Flag Ceremony, please contact us for help and information.


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